Toddler screentime

Why all the worry about screen time for toddlers?


Why all the worry about screen time for toddlers? We have all been there – you show your 2-year-old a real photograph of someone and their little finger try to “swipe” across the sreen. Everyone laugh because it is really cute, but this actually indicates a developmental problem in the making. Screen time creates a […]

Toddler in bed with bottle of milk

Sleep and night feedings, what’s the deal?


How Nutrition effects Toddler Sleep  We don’t often relate bad eating to bad sleeping when it comes to toddlers(12 –36 months). It is considered a baby issue, yet it can have a major impact on toddlers. It can often lead to bad habits that are difficult to change. At Good Night we are SLEEP experts and […]

Room Sharing versus Sleeping in own room


Room Sharing vs Own Room Sleep for Babies Room sharing with your kids? The team at Good Night share some insights to better sleep. There are so many aspects we have to take into consideration when guiding parents to a better sleep journey for their children. Whether these children are newborns, toddlers or pre-schoolers. Helping […]

To Co-Sleep or NOT, that is the question


Co-sleeping- some make the choice willingly, others en up doing it out of desperation!One of the most common questions my clients ask is when they need to move their babies out of their room and out of their cots. In a more hushed tone it sometimes follows, as if they’re sharing a dirty little secret: […]

Why Sleep training doesn’t work


WHY SLEEP TRAINING DOESN’T WORK?   Working in the baby/parenting industry I know that there are many topics that can cause a big debate.  Topics that can get parents talking, engaging and give passionate opinions on.  In the sleep space this is no different and even just the words ‘sleep training’ might send a shiver […]

can food influence baby's sleep babywombworld

Is nutrition influencing your baby’s sleep?


Baby’s sleep problems are among the biggest challenges that parents face. A common solution offered to mothers are to give baby more milk or food, as a fuller tummy will (surely) lead better sleep patterns. Sleep consultant Jolandi Becker from Good Night Baby offers more insight. As sleep consultants we rarely advise on nutritional problems […]

everything you need to know about sleep training your baby babywombworld

Sleep training – the good, the bad and the ugly


I will often get asked whether I am for or against sleep training (working in the baby and sleep industry this seems to come up quite often). And once again my answer was, as always, I am not for sleep training, I am for sleep. But this time it got me thinking. Is parenting that […]

everything you need to know about sleep regression

Sleep Regression – everything you need to know


On the top of the list of pregnant couples’ concerns lies their baby’s (and their own) sleep patterns. And this is indeed a cause for concern. Sleep deprivation is a form of torture. Many people feel that they can’t cope without their sleep and don’t know if they can master this part of parenting. And […]

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