You’re becoming a dad While you may be constantly present and involved, the 9 months of pregnancy really are all about the mother. Many dads feel helpless and unsure of how to support their partner. You may also be having your own emotions around impending fatherhood – the responsibility of a baby, the financial implications, […]
What do I need for my newborn baby – free checklist
By ChristinePreparing for the arrival of your newborn With literally thousands of baby products available in stores and online, you’ll find yourself asking “what exactly do I need for my newborn baby?” In truth- you don’t need a lot for your newborn. However, there are a few essentials every little one needs. Of course, there are […]
Things to do before falling pregnant
By ChristineFalling pregnant is a big deal Deciding to have a baby is a big decision in one’s life. It’s a commitment that you make for the rest of your life, for better or for worse, through good times and bad times. Pregnancy comes with many physical and emotional challenges. Many of these are out of […]
What is the best age to have your first baby?
By lauraWhat’s the best age to have a baby? Volumes of books could be written about this topic and at the end of reading them there will still not be one, definite answer. Each age comes with its own set of challenges and advantages. We look at each age and discuss the pros and cons of […]
Managing expectations during pregnancy
By ChristineToday I want to get you thinking on a topic that is very personal to me, as it played such a big role in my parenting journey until now – expectations. Now if you are one of those earth-mothers who found in motherhood your true passion and biggest calling, this blog is most likely going […]
Benefits Of Yoga During Pregnancy
By lauraMany newly pregnant moms stop exercising as soon as they find out they are pregnant. Unless your health care provider has specifically said you should refrain from all activity, there are exercises you can do safely during your pregnancy. Yoga is one of the forms of exercising that is safe to do while pregnant. There […]