Christine Klynhans is a midwife, lactation consultant and well-baby clinic sister and is part of a team of experts that BabyWombWorld compiled to help us help moms. Christine not only works with parents every day, but also has her own small children. This really enables her to have empathy and understanding of what clients are experiencing.
She has a special heart for those mommies who find themselves struggling a bit more than usual with the challenges of motherhood. We asked Christine some questions about her own parenting journey and for insights on what her own clients are experiencing in this period of their lives.
Christine is also a firm believer in continued breastfeeding by expressing breastmilk when going back to work. She has walked this journey with both her children and often provides tips and encouragement on BabyWombWorld’s platforms. She is a firm advocate for the BabyWombWorld Double Electric Breastpump.
ALSO READ: Breastfeeding whilst working – why all the hassle?
READ MORE: Top 5 Things You Need for Breastfeeding